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Natural turf sports fields at parks and schools require regular maintenance to keep the surface green, healthy, and able to support players in a range of sports. The best grass seed and fertilizer regiment cannot support a playing field if irrigation is spotty, under-sized, or depends entirely on Mother Nature.
Irrigation needs to be consistent and dependable to create healthy thatch and help fertilizer nourish roots. Here are five reasons to keep that busy sports field green and healthy all year.
1. Healthy Turf Plays Better
Patchy, dead, or non-existent field grass affects athletic performance. Players notice a difference in temperature when they play on healthy turf, which naturally feels cooler. Grass helps dissipate radiant heat through transpiration and makes a field cooler. On very hot days, a few degrees in temperature can mean less chance of heat strokes, muscle cramps, and fatigue.
Additionally, bare or muddy spots where grass is thin creates a poor foothold for athletes that depend on firm shoe placement to perform. Even worse, poorly maintained fields are slippery and dangerous when grass does not grow in a consistent, even layer to cover soil.
2. Healthy Turf Controls Field Erosion
Areas prone to heavy occasional rain may experience flooding and runoff, which can impact outdoor spaces like a playing field. Grass is better equipped to reduce soil erosion and field damage when its roots are healthy and thick. An entire grass field forms a solid wall of roots that hold soil in place against water and even wind.
A struggling grassy area cannot withstand the forces of erosion common in many storms. Instead, a playing field with a poor root system develops small channels and rivulets of water that sweep away soil, further degrading the sports field.
3. Healthy Turf Lessens Sport Injuries
Contact sports like soccer and football are prone to cause injury in the lower extremities like the Achilles tendon and knees. Playing surfaces like artificial grass and bare dirt are especially hard on players where little or no cushioning helps break a player's fall.
Healthy grass with adequate thatch on a good base of humus provides the best cushioning for players in the event of a fall. Less surface hardness means fewer sports injuries. In fact, one study shows football players experienced fewer injuries on grass compared to a hard surface. Well-maintained grass is softer and safer for players than sparse, dead grass with little padding from root humus or thatch.
4. Healthy Turf Harbors Less Pollen and Pests
Grassy fields that struggle to thrive are often overrun with weeds and other invasive plants, many of which produce pollen. Healthy grass is often strong enough to choke out weeds that attempt to sprout and produce flowers. Also, closely shorn and maintained turf grass harbors fewer nuisance pests.
5. Healthy Turf Looks Beautiful
A sports field that is patchy or discolored looks unattractive. Healthy, uniform green turf is beautiful to look at and play on. People generally respond positively to green spaces, which enhance mental, emotional, and physical health of both participants and spectators.
If your sports field suffers from bad irrigation practices, it may be time to invest in a more capable irrigation system that consistently covers the entire field. Contact
Smith Irrigation & Landscaping for some realistic solutions that will help your field receive the water necessary to grow green, healthy, and beautiful.
If drainage is a problem on your field, we can remedy problems like standing water and muddy conditions that disrupt game players and inhibit grass health. A few simple slope changes or collection basins can help make a big difference in the health of your field.
Phone: 864-346-9714
Address: Greenville, South Carolina
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